Can Users of Earlier Versions Install the 30-Day Trial of Version 7?

Users of earlier versions, who are considering downloading and installing the 30-day trial of version 7, should first read the answers to the following frequently-asked questions:

I have a paid-for copy of version 6. Can I install the free trial for version 7?

Anyone can download and install the free 30-day trial of Family Historian 7 onto their computer. If in the past you purchased version 6, and you now install the 30-day trial of version 7, it will automatically upgrade you – but as a trial version, valid for only 30 days. You can of course buy a licence for this at any time if you wish. Alternatively, as a version 6 owner, you could buy an upgrade to version 7.

If I install the free trial of version 7 on top of a previous version of Family Historian, will it automatically revert to the previous version if I don’t purchase a licence at the end of the trial?

No. If you wanted to revert to your previous version, you would have to uninstall the trial version and reinstall your previous version. So, if you are considering doing this, make sure you still have everything you need to reinstall your previous version, including the key(s) required (versions prior to version 3 did not have a key).

Also if think you might be going to revert, make sure you keep a full backup of your Projects, or only work on the Sample Project as not everything in the newest version is backwards compatible.  Once you have upgraded a project to version 7, we do not advise opening it ever again in version 6.

I had a previous version installed from CD, but I’ve lost the CD. If I need to, can I reinstall that version from a downloadable trial version?

No. If you reinstall, you will need to use the same method of installation that you originally used (except that you can skip minor upgrades where the first version digit doesn’t change). If you originally installed from a CD, and then purchased one or more upgrades, you will need the CD, the upgrades and all allocated keys.

I am currently evaluating the 30-day trial version for version 6. I have not yet bought a licence for it. Can I install the 30-day trial for version 7?

Yes – and we recommend that you do so, as it is no longer possible to buy a licence for the 30-day trial of version 6.

Are previous trial versions still available for download?

Yes. You can download them from the download archive . But you can no longer buy a licence for previous trial versions. The link is provided for the convenience of users who have already bought a licence for a previous trial version and may need the installation program to reinstall (please remember that if you buy a licence for the download version, you are allowed to make a single backup copy of the installation program).