Since The Master Genealogist was discontinued, many TMG users have switched to Family Historian. This page attempts to answer TMG-related questions.
Is it possible to import directly from TMG into Family Historian?
Yes. Please make sure TMG is not running and then in Family Historian on the Project Window, click New Project, choose Import from other family tree file and select your TMG database. For more details, see Importing from The Master Genealogist.
Does this include everything?
The import is extremely comprehensive. It includes individuals, families, relationships, names, facts, fact definitions, witnesses, dates (including sort dates), memos, exhibits, sources, source templates, repositories, source citations, flags, and more. TMG ‘sentence variables’ in tag definitions and ‘local sentences’ are converted to the Family Historian equivalents and the conversions are logged for you to check. Templates used for source citations are also converted. Formatting in memos (including hidden text and embedded source citations) are also converted. Detailed help is provided to help you validate the import to ensure that it is as good as it can be. Again, for more details, see Importing from The Master Genealogist.
Is it possible to import from TMG using a GEDCOM file?
Yes, but we recommend that you use the direct import if you can, as this is more comprehensive.
Is it possible to try out the import before buying the program?
Yes. Download the 30-day free trial, create a new project and import your data into it.
Is there a forum where TMG users who are moving to Family Historian can ask advice and share tips with other TMG users?
The best option is to join the Family Historian User Group website ( This is a free, independent website for Family Historian users.
How can I create or edit fact definitions for TMG tags like ‘Military Begins’?
First, make sure you are on the latest version of Family Historian (to do that, click ‘Check for Updates’ on the Help menu). Then if, for example, you used ‘Military Begins’ in TMG, after importing into FH you should see ‘Military Begins’ listed as a fact in the Facts tab of the Property Box (main data entry window) for the individuals who have this tag. If you wish to edit it, click on the Tools menu, and then Fact Types. TMG fact definitions by default will be imported as a collection called “TMG Import (Project)”. The word ‘Project’ means that the TMG fact definitions have only been imported into the current project; but you can share them with other projects if you want to. You should see ‘Military-Begin’ listed within this collection. Select it and click the Edit button. Within the window that appears, click the Help button for detailed help on editing fact definitions.