A ‘fact’ in this context means an event or attribute. GEDCOM facts can be individual facts or family facts. An individual fact is one that has just one principal. For example, the fact might be baptism, and the individual is the person being baptised. A family fact can have two principals. An example of a family fact would be marriage or divorce.
The list below show all standard GEDCOM 5.5.1 fact tags. For more information, please see the GEDCOM specification (5.5.1).
Tag | Type | Meaning |
BIRT | Individual Event | Birth |
CHR | Individual Event | Christening |
DEAT | Individual Event | Death |
BURI | Individual Event | Burial |
CREM | Individual Event | Cremation |
ADOP | Individual Event | Adoption |
BAPM | Individual Event | Baptism |
BARM | Individual Event | Bar Mitzvah |
BASM | Individual Event | Bas Mitzvah |
BLES | Individual Event | Blessing |
CHRA | Individual Event | Adult christening |
CONF | Individual Event | Confirmation |
FCOM | Individual Event | First communion |
ORDN | Individual Event | Ordination |
NATU | Individual Event | Naturalization |
EMIG | Individual Event | Emigration |
IMMI | Individual Event | Immigration |
CENS | Individual Event | Census |
PROB | Individual Event | Probate |
WILL | Individual Event | Will |
GRAD | Individual Event | Graduation |
RETI | Individual Event | Retirement |
CAST | Individual Attribute | Caste |
DSCR | Individual Attribute | Physical description |
EDUC | Individual Attribute | Education |
IDNO | Individual Attribute | Identity number |
NATI | Individual Attribute | Nationality |
NCHI | Individual Attribute | Children count |
NMR | Individual Attribute | Marriage count |
OCCU | Individual Attribute | Occupation |
PROP | Individual Attribute | Property |
RELI | Individual Attribute | Religion |
RESI | Individual Attribute | Residence |
SSN | Individual Attribute | Social security number |
TITL | Individual Attribute | Title |
ANUL | Family Event | Annulment |
CENS | Family Event | Census |
DIV | Family Event | Divorce |
DIVF | Family Event | Divorce filed |
ENGA | Family Event | Engagement |
MARB | Family Event | Marriage bann |
MARC | Family Event | Marriage contract |
MARR | Family Event | Marriage |
MARL | Family Event | Marriage License |
MARS | Family Event | Marriage settlement |
RESI | Family Event | Residence |