Frequently Asked Questions about Products
What is the latest version of Family Historian?
The latest version is 7.0.
I already own a previous version of Family Historian. How can I upgrade?
All versions of Family Historian are always fully backwardly-compatible with all previous versions, so you will be able to continue working with your existing files and projects. The full version of Family Historian (boxed or download) will automatically upgrade any previous version of Family Historian. If you have version 5 or 6, you can buy an upgrade for less than the price of the full version. See the Store for more details.
How can I find out which version I have?
See Understanding Family Historian Version Numbers for an explanation of how Family Historian version numbers work. To find out which version you have, run Family Historian and click on “About Family Historian…” on the Help menu.
What are the system requirements for Family Historian 7?
Family Historian 7 runs on Windows 11, 10, and 8, on both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows. The program does not run on the Apple Mac – unless you have a Windows emulator. You need at least 100Mb of hard disk space to store the program and accompanying files. It will run quite happily on any PC that meets the minimum requirements of Windows itself.
Do all previous versions of Family Historian run on Windows 11, 10, 8 and 7 – including 64-bit versions?
Versions 6, 5, 4 and 3 do. If you have one of the very early editions of version 2 CDs, you may need to download a free additional installation file to get the installation to work (see CD-Backed Installers for more details).
What are the new features in version 7?
See What’s New in Family Historian 7?
I have a lot of data in another family tree program. Can I transfer my data to Family Historian, and if so, how?
Create a new project and import your data directly into Family Historian from your previous genealogy program, if it is in a format that Family Historian recognises. If you want to merge the data into an existing project, you can do so after you have first imported it into a new temporary project.
Alternatively, export your data from your current family tree program in the form of a GEDCOM file. Then you can either import that into a new project, or merge or append the data into an existing project.
Is there a trial version of Family Historian that I can try out?
Yes – see 30 Day Free Trial.
I would like to be able to display all of my family and all of my wife’s family in one diagram. Would that be possible using your All Relatives diagram?
Yes. All of Family Historian diagrams can be based either on individuals or on couples. In any case, you can also insert additional family trees into any diagram – as many as you like.
When printing a tree that covers several pages of paper, is it possible to get Family Historian to ensure that text about people and pictures do not overlap the edges of pages?
Yes – you can get Family Historian to ensure that text and pictures do not overlap either side edges or top edges or both.
How far back can you specify dates? Can you indicate that dates are approximate?
The earliest date that Family Historian will let you enter is 9999 B.C. and the latest is 9999 A.D. Dates can be entered as ‘approximate’. Nearly all dates can be entered as a range (between.., before.., after..), as a textual phrase (e.g. “2 weeks after his wife died”), as a period (from.., to.., or from ? to ?), as a quarter date (e.g. Q2 1989), or as a simple date. Alternative calendars can be used, in addition to the Gregorian calendar.
Is there a version for the Apple Mac?
No. You may be able to run Family Historian under a Windows emulator, such as Virtual PC, or using CrossOver or Wine. There are some notes on doing this on the User Group Knowledge Base.
Are multi-user licences available?
Yes. Multi-user Licences are available for schools, colleges and other institutions. See Multi-User Licences for more details.