Version 7 Licence Agreement
Calico Pie’s Family Historian 7 End User Licence Agreement
The accompanying computer program, Family Historian 7 (Windows version)(“the Software”), is licensed to the user by Calico Pie Limited, subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence Agreement. By installing, activating or using the Software you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Licence Agreement. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this Licence Agreement, do not install or attempt to activate or use this Software.
The Software is licensed, not sold, to the user by Calico Pie Limited for use exclusively under the terms and conditions of this Licence Agreement.
If you have requested and been given permission to run the Software for a trial period, and if you have been assigned a trial activation code that enables the Software to run for a trial period, you may use this trial activation code to activate the Software and then run it for the trial period only, provided that you have not previously activated a trial of the Software. Only one trial of the Software is allowed per person, and this trial may only be installed and activated on one device. Once a trial of the Software has been activated on a given device, no other trials of the Software may be activated or run on that device. You may not continue to use the Software after the end of the trial period unless you purchase a valid licence issued by Calico Pie, which entitles you to do so.
When you purchase a licence to use the Software, you will be assigned a licence activation code. This activation code can be used to activate the Software within a Family Historian account only (you will be able to create one if you don’t already have one). If your licence to use the Software is time-limited, you may not continue to use the Software after the end of that period unless you purchase another valid licence issued by Calico Pie, which entitles you to do so. Once a licence has been validly activated within a particular Family Historian account, it cannot be transferred to another account.
You may not install or activate the Software on more than one device at any given time, unless you have purchased a licence which explicitly specifies a maximum number of allowed simultaneous installations, in which case you may not install, activate or run the Software, at any given time, on more than that specified number of devices. Unless your licence explicitly specifies otherwise, it is for personal use only, which means that an additional condition for installing or activating the Software on more than one device (if permitted at all) is that all such devices must be owned, kept and used by you, and no more than one person may use the Software at any one time.
Licence is in all cases subject to Calico Pie Limited’s receipt of any applicable payment.
In all cases, when you activate the Software, you must do so within the context of a valid Family Historian account, which you have set up in your name and with your correct details. Thereafter, your licence to use the Software will be permanently linked to that account. You must keep your account login password secret. You must not use your account login details to activate the Software for the benefit of, or on behalf of, anyone else. You must ensure that no-one else uses your account details to activate the Software, or for any other purpose.
Licence is in all cases non-transferable. You may not rent, lease, license, distribute or otherwise transfer the Software or your licence to use it, to anyone without the express written consent of Calico Pie Limited. You may not let anyone else have or copy your account password or any activation codes assigned to you for the Software. You may not distribute, publish, share, or in any way make public your account password, or any activation codes assigned to you or anyone else for the Software.
Copying or lending is strictly prohibited.
You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the Software, and any activation codes assigned to you, from unauthorised use, illegal reproduction or illicit distribution. Note that using the Software otherwise than in accordance with this Licence may be a criminal offence.
The Software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed “AS IS” and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. In no event shall Calico Pie, or its principals, shareholders, officers, employees, affiliates, or contractors be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of the Software nor for any direct loss including loss of data, revenue or use. You should retain a backup copy of all your data at all times.
You understand and agree that some features of Family Historian (including, but not limited to, Automatic Internet Data Matching, Maps and Geocoding) use and depend on Internet services provided by third parties, and that the availability of these features is conditional upon Calico Pie’s continued access to these services on terms acceptable to Calico Pie. You further understand and agree that Calico Pie Limited has no responsibility for any Internet services provided by third parties, whether or not these are used within Family Historian.
The licence will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the terms, conditions and limitations described herein. Furthermore, if, at your request, Calico Pie deletes your account details, any licences that have been activated within that account, will terminate at the moment of deletion. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software including accompanying documentation.
All rights of any kind in the Software which are not expressly granted in this Licence are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Calico Pie Limited. You may not (except as permitted by law) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the Software. You may not make access to the Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business.
As previously mentioned, before using the software you will be required to activate it within your Family Historian account. This normally happens the first time you run the software after installation. During this process you will be required to login to your Family Historian account (you will be able to create one if you don’t already have one) so Internet access will be required. You understand and agree that Calico Pie will maintain your account details on its servers, and that Family Historian will communicate with the servers as needed for licence validation and activation, for the provisioning of updates, and to enable you to deactivate devices if you need to do so. We will record the names of activated devices so that you can later identify which devices to deactivate if you need to, and for no other purpose. For information about the Calico Pie privacy policy, please see
Automatic Internet Data Matching is an optional feature of Family Historian. If it is enabled, Family Historian will automatically try to find historical records or family tree profiles, that match individuals in your projects, using Internet services provided by data providers that you choose (Findmypast, MyHeritage or both). If matches are found, ‘hints’ are displayed within the program. To do this, information from parts of your family tree is periodically passed, ‘behind the scenes’ and without you having to do anything, to a matching service provided by your chosen data providers. This information includes names, dates and places associated with individuals and their close relatives. When Family Historian is first run, after installing, you will be able to choose the data providers you wish to use. Click ‘Disable All’ if you do not wish Family Historian to do any Automatic Internet Data Matching. Automatic Internet Data Matching can also be enabled or disabled at any time, within the program (see the ‘Internet Data Matches’ tab within Preferences).
To learn more about Automatic Internet Data Matching see
The Software contains links to websites on the World Wide Web. You acknowledge and agree that Calico Pie is not responsible for, and will not have any liability arising from anything that may happen as a result of your accessing linked websites. You agree that Calico Pie is not responsible in any way for the use you or others may make of the linked websites, or for their content.
The Software is designed to allow plugins to be installed and run. Plugins can downloaded from the Family Historian Plugin Store (either explicitly as plugins, or as language packs, which also contain and use plugins). You acknowledge and agree that Calico Pie is not responsible for, and will not have any liability arising from, anything that may happen as a result of your installing or running plugins, including language pack plugins, irrespective of the circumstances, and irrespective of the source of the plugin. You understand that a plugin is a computer program, that a poorly written or deliberately malicious plugin could be just as harmful to your computer as any other computer program, and that you should treat plugins with no less caution than you would treat any other computer program. You understand and agree that all use of plugins is solely at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that may result from the installation or use of any plugin. Calico Pie expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, with regard to plugins of all kinds. You understand and agree that it is entirely your responsibility to ensure that all plugins you install and/or use, are safe, error-free, suitable for your needs, and not malicious.
You understand and agree that anyone who writes a plugin, can put whatever information they want in the plugin and in its script header (the contents of the script header can be viewed within the Family Historian ‘Plugins’ window under the heading “Details Provided by Plugin”), that consequently this information taken on its own cannot be relied on, and that it is your sole responsibility to confirm whether or not this information is correct, accurate and complete. This means that it is your sole responsibility to establish not only whether any claims made within the plugin and within its script header are correct, but also whether the plugin’s stated author is the real (and sole) author, and whether all other script header details are accurate, correct and complete.
Family Historian’s website generation uses Lytebox JavaScript for Popups. Lytebox was authored by Markus F. Hay ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (
The program uses geocoding services provided by providers such as Algolia (, Mapzen ( and others. Mapzen uses data provided by other service providers, such as OpenStreetMap, GeoNames, OpenAddresses and Who’s on First, for its geocoding service. See for attribution. Data © OpenStreetMap contributors (see For the most up-to-date list of providers and attributions, see
Map data is provided by OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License. ‘OpenStreetMap’ cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. OpenStreetMap data is copyright © OpenStreetMap contributors ( The NLS Historical Maps for Great Britain (20s-40s) are provided courtesy of the National Library of Scotland (see
Spellchecking uses Hunspell (unmodified), distributed under the MPL (1.1) licence. The source code for Hunspell is available from The UK English dictionary (in files en_GB-large.dic and en_GB-large.aff) comes directly from SCOWL and is thus under the same copyright of SCOWL. The affix file (en_GB-large.aff) is a heavily modified version of the original english.aff file which was released as part of Geoff Kuenning’s Ispell and as such is covered by his BSD license. Part of SCOWL is also based on Ispell thus the Ispell copyright is included with the SCOWL copyright.
The files en_GB-large.dic and en_GB-large.aff are copyright 2000-2015 by Kevin Atkinson. The US dictionary (in files en_US.dic and en_US.aff) is based on a subset of the original English wordlist created by Kevin Atkinson for Pspell and Aspell and thus is covered by his original LGPL license. The affix file is a heavily modified version of the original english.aff file which was released as part of Geoff Kuenning’s Ispell and as such is covered by his BSD license. Family Historian itself is not a derivative work of either Hunspell or the dictionaries, but constitutes in each case a “work that uses the library”, by linking to them (in the case of Hunspell) or by loading them at runtime (in the case of the libraries). The licences applicable to Hunspell and the dictionaries, are only applicable specifically to the 4 dictionary files and to the Hunspell library file (hunspelldll.dll).
Copyright (c) 2022 Calico Pie Limited
Version 6 Licence Agreement
Calico Pie’s Family Historian 6.0 End User Licence Agreement
Your use of the Family Historian software (the “Software”) is subject to the terms and conditions laid out below. By accepting this licence, you do not become the owner of the Software, but you do have the right to use the Software in accordance with the terms of this licence, subject to Calico Pie Limited’s receipt of any applicable payment, and provided you meet the terms of this licence.
The Software must not be installed on more than one computer terminal at any one time, except that you may install it onto 2 computers (and no more than 2) if both computers are owned and kept by you, and no more than one person ever uses the software at any one time.
If the Software is an upgrade product that upgrades a previous version of Calico Pie Limited software, you must possess a valid license to the previous version. If the previous version was itself an upgrade, you must possess a valid licence to the version it upgraded, and so on for all prior versions. That is to say, if the Software is an upgrade product, you must possess a licence to all previous product versions from which this product is directly, or indirectly, an upgrade.
You may not rent, lease, license, distribute or otherwise transfer the Software or your Licence to use it without the express written consent of Calico Pie Limited. You may not let anyone else have or copy any registration keys assigned to you for the Software. You may not distribute, publish, share, or in any way make public any registration keys assigned to you or anyone else for the Software.
Copying or lending is strictly prohibited.
You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect the Software, and any registration keys assigned to you, from unauthorised use, illegal reproduction or illicit distribution. Note that using the Software otherwise than in accordance with this Licence may be a criminal offence.
The Software, and all accompanying files, data and materials, are distributed “AS IS” and with no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential part of the agreement. In no event shall Calico Pie, or its principals, shareholders, officers, employees, affiliates, or contractors be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever relating to the use of the Software nor for any direct loss including loss of data, revenue or use. You should retain a backup copy of all your data at all times.
The Software contains links to websites on the World Wide Web. You acknowledge and agree that Calico Pie is not responsible for, and will not have any liability arising from anything that may happen as a result of your accessing linked websites. You agree that Calico Pie is not responsible in any way for the use you or others may make of the linked websites, or for their content.
The Software is designed to allow plugins to be installed and run. You acknowledge and agree that Calico Pie is not responsible for, and will not have any liability arising from, anything that may happen as a result of your installing or running plugins, irrespective of the circumstances, and irrespective of the source of the plugin. You understand that a plugin is a computer program, that a poorly written or deliberately malicious plugin could be just as harmful to your computer as any other computer program, and that you should treat plugins with no less caution than you would treat any other computer program. You understand and agree that all use of plugins is solely at your own discretion and risk and you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that may result from the installation or use of any plugin. Calico Pie expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, with regard to plugins. You understand and agree that it entirely your responsibility to ensure that all plugins you install and/or use, are safe, error-free, suitable for your needs, and not malicious.
You understand and agree that anyone who writes a plugin, can put whatever information they want in the plugin and in its script header (the contents of the script header can be viewed within the Family Historian ‘Plugins’ window under the heading “Details Provided by Plugin”), that consequently this information taken on its own cannot be relied on, and that it is your sole responsibility to confirm whether or not this information is correct, accurate and complete. This means that it is your sole responsible to establish not only whether any claims made within the plugin and within its script header are correct, but also whether the plugin’s stated author is the real (and sole) author, and whether all other script header details are accurate, correct and complete.
You understand and agree that some features of Family Historian (including, but not limited to, Internet Data Matching and Automatic Geocoding) use and depend on Internet services provided by third parties, and that the availability of these features is consequently subject to the continuing availability of these services. You further understand and agree that Calico Pie Limited has no responsibility for any Internet services provided by third parties, whether or not these are used within Family Historian.
Family Historian’s website generation uses Lytebox JavaScript for Popups. Lytebox was authored by Markus F. Hay ( and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (
Internet data matching uses service provided by MyHeritage.
Geocoding services are provided by Edina using GeoNames, Ordnance Survey Data and Natural Earth. GeoNames data is licensed under a Create Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Contains Ordnance Survey data (c) Crown copyright and database right 2014. Made with Natural Earth. Free vector and raster map data @
Map data is provided by OpenStreetMap under the Open Database License. ‘OpenStreetMap’ cartography is licensed as CC BY-SA. ‘OSM Roads’ rendering GIScience Research Group @ Heidelberge University ( OpenStreetMap data is copyright ? OpenStreetMap contributors (
The licence will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with the limitations described herein. On termination, you must destroy all copies of the Software including accompanying documentation.
All rights of any kind in the Software which are not expressly granted in this Licence are entirely and exclusively reserved to and by Calico Pie Limited. You may not (except as permitted by law) modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the Software. You may not make access to the Software available to others in connection with a service bureau, application service provider, or similar business.
Copyright (c) 2014 Calico Pie Limited