GEDCOM Extension Tags

The following table lists GEDCOM extension tags used by Family Historian. 

__PREFERRED‘Preferred’ fact flag.
__PRIVATE‘Private’ fact flag.
__REJECTED‘Rejected’ fact flag.
__TENTATIVE‘Tentative’ fact flag.
_AREAUsed with ‘frame’ links to a Media record image. Specifies the position of the frame.
_ATTRAttribute. Used with custom attributes only.
_AUTOUsed with the Source record TITL tag, to indicate that the Source record title is auto-generated (value = ‘1’).
_CAPTHas value ‘Y’ if the option Use Note as Caption is ticked for a given Media link.
_DATESame as standard DATE tag, used in non-standard contexts.
_EXCLUsed with Media links to indicate that the linked Media record (normally an image) should be excluded from diagrams (“DGM”), reports (“RPT”) or both (“ALL”).
_FIELDMetafield: a self-documenting field. Used with templated Source records and citations.
_FLAGUsed with named lists. If set to ‘E’ means that record editing is enabled for this named list.
_FLGSParent tag for record flag tags.
_FMTText format. ‘1’ indicates a field in FTF format (Family Historian Text Format). Any other value, or none, indicates a plain text field.
_IDSRecord id list. Used as a child of a _LIST tag, to specify the records in the list.
_LINK_BA link from a rich text note to a Submission record.
_LINK_EA link from a rich text note to a Research Note record.
_LINK_FA link from a rich text note to a Family record.
_LINK_IA link from a rich text note to an Individual record.
_LINK_NA link from a rich text note to a Note record.
_LINK_OA link from a rich text note to a Media record
_LINK_PA link from a rich text note to a Place record
_LINK_RA link from a rich text note to a Repository record.
_LINK_SA link from a rich text note to a Source record.
_LINK_TA link from a rich text note to a Source Template record.
_LINK_UA link from a rich text note to a Submitter record.
_LISTNamed list.
_LKIDLink identifier. Used with links from rich text notes (see above).
_NOTAAnnotation (usually an annotation of an image).
_PCITPrepared citation.
_PLACPlace. Is used with Place records and non-standard place fields, such as the ‘Place (to)’ with an Emigration event, and the ‘Place (from)’ for an Immigration event.
_RNOTResearch note.
_ROOTLink to the project root.
_SDATESort date.
_SENTSentence field. Used for ‘sentence overrides’ of a fact or witness sentence, for narrative reports.
_SEQSequence number. Used to determine ordering.
_SHAN‘Name-only’ witness to a shared event.
_SHARLink to a witness to a shared event.
_SRCTLink from a Source record to its associated Source Template record (if any).
_STATStatus. Used to store marital status information (‘Divorced’, ‘Separated’, etc) in a Family record.
_TYPE‘Type’ information (where there is no standard ‘type’ field). For example, is used to store the ‘generic’ type of a generic source.
_UIDGlobally unique identifier.
_USEDFor names: given name used. For example, a person with the name “Arthur Brian Smith” might have always been known by their second name, ‘Brian’. In this case, ‘Brian’ would be the given name used.

In header: last-used record ids.
_VARGEDCOM variant settings, used by Family Historian internally.