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Enhanced Media Window

  • The Media Window has been completely redesigned and given a much-improved look.
  • A new Media Link Tool (enabled by toolbar button) now makes it very quick and easy to add ?frame links? (links to faces). Click-and-drag from the tool onto an image (you will be asked if you want to add a frame link or a simple link), or click on one of the buttons at the bottom of the Media Link Tool.
  • Creating simple links is even easier. Using the new support for multiple selection in the Media List pane, you can now add simple links to as many records as you like, in one go
  • The Media List Pane (on the left side) supports enhanced filtering options
  • A new option allows you to see all frame links for any given picture, making it easy to see who is missing
  • Clickable links allow you to jump to viewing any media file on the hard disk. If a link is broken, these links will show underlined in red and Family Historian can now search for ?lost? images, if requiredMedia Window Thumbnail view
  • The Keywords dialog box now supports multiple selection, which makes it easy to add and remove keywords for multiple media records in one go
  • Access to the Media window has been improved. You can now easily distinguish between viewing pictures of a given person (i.e. all pictures in which they appear), and pictures linked to a given person (which may include pictures of events that that they were part of, places they are associated with, and source & source citation images).
  • Thumbnail images are now cached and are consequently much faster to load